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  • Writer's picturetnt Shaderoom


Customs and Excise officers have seized some $8 million in marijuana at the Port of Port-of-Spain and at TTPost’s Piarco branch.

In a release on Monday, the Customs and Excise Division said its officers had seized a large quantity of marijuana at a transit shed on the Port of PoS.

The release said around 1 pm, officers were conducting routine examinations on imported cargo when they discovered 28.88 kilogrammes of a plant-like substance resembling high-grade marijuana with an estimated street value of TT$8.664 million.

The cargo consisted of 18 packets wrapped in black plastic and had been concealed in a false compartment in a large wooden crate. The cargo wes imported from Ontario, Canada.

Meanwhile, officers stationed at TTPost Piarco were also examining cargo imported from Canada when they discovered 0.241 kilogrammes of a plant-like substance resumbling marijuana with a street value of $72,000.

The Customs and Excise Division said investigations were ongoing in both matters and said arrests are imminent.

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